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Ooh, I'm liking this one. Having multiple enemy paths and having to plan around them quickly made it feel more like an action puzzle game. Oddly panic-inducing for a plushie game with relaxing music, lol.


Glad you liked it :)

The plan was to increase the time and just have a button to skip the countdown if you were ready, but I ran out of time.

I had to balance it so it wouldn't go too fast and so you wouldn't have to wait forever before the next round.


It's super annoying when you try to click on a different tower but you already selected one and it just buy the tower you previously selected :(

That's a good game I played it multiple times trying to loose 0 hp


Oh, I didn't realize that the turret instantiates to the last selected tile :P thanks for the bug report.

You can right click to deselect the current turret though :)

Yeah I noticed :) That was only on mistake